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Peachy pink roses up close

Everything You Need to Host a DIY Flower Wreath-Making Workshop

Greetings, floral and DIY enthusiasts! At Cascade Floral Wholesale in Everett, Washington, we’re here to guide you through hosting your very own DIY flower wreath-making workshop. Whether you’re looking to create a fresh and blooming design for yourself, make a friend a gorgeous gift, or have a fun party where you do a cute, creative project, we have the intel to make it a success.

Floral wreath with spring blooms

Gather Your Gear

No artist can create without their tools; the same goes for floral DIY. Here’s what you’ll need for each participant:

  • Floral wire and tape: These binders keep your wreath together.
  • Floral shears: Sharp and precise, these are a must for snipping stems just right.
  • Wire cutters: These are for trimming wreath frames and floral wire to size.
  • Wreath frames: Whether you opt for a circular, heart-shaped, or even a square frame, it’s the canvas for your floral art.
  • Gloves: They keep your hands clean and thorn-free.
  • Aprons: Creativity can get messy (just part of the fun!), so protect your clothing.

Tools and materials for floral workshop

Source Your Blooms and Accents

This is our favorite part: picking out the flowers and accents! Aim for various textures, sizes, and colors to give your wreaths depth and dimension. Think lush greenery like ferns and eucalyptus, accent blooms like baby’s breath and blue thistle, and bold flowers like roses. Remember to sprinkle in some non-floral elements like crystals, charms, or ribbons for added personalization.

Containers of pink flowers on table

The Wreath Workshop Itself

Before your guests arrive, give your flowers a little TLC. Trim the stems, give them a freshwater bath, and let them hydrate. This will make them easier to work with and extend the life of your wreath.

Kick things off with a warm welcome and a quick walkthrough of the tools and materials. Maybe even have a completed wreath on display for inspo, which can get people’s creativity flowing. Encourage guests to play with colors and textures and, frankly, to have fun! A little guidance on starting with greens for the base, adding the flowers, and then sprinkling in accents can help spark their imagination.

Pro Tips:

  • Layering is Key: Start with a base layer of greens to cover the frame, then add your statement blooms, and finish with fillers and accents.
  • Balance: Encourage participants to distribute colors and textures evenly for a harmonious look.
  • Personalization: Remind them that the best part about DIY is making something uniquely theirs. Whether it’s a color scheme that speaks to them or an unconventional element that catches their eye, it’s all about that personal touch.

Once everyone has their wreath finished, have a little show and tell. Sharing creations can inspire others and foster a sense of community and accomplishment. Plus, it’s a great photo op for your socials (hello, Instagram-worthy content!).

Group of people in floral design workshop

Wrapping Things Up

As the workshop winds down, offer some care tips for their wreaths, such as how to keep them vibrant and when to replace blooms. Hand out small thank-you gifts, perhaps a single stem or a sweet treat.

Hosting a DIY flower wreath-making workshop is more than just a crafting session; it’s an experience—a way to connect, create, and celebrate the beauty of nature with friends, family, or even co-workers who share a love for flowers. With a bit of planning, some creativity, and a whole lot of flowers, you’re not just making wreaths; you’re making memories. Let Cascade Floral Wholesale start you on your journey today!